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April 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jordan Adam Stein <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Apr 1994 09:13:15 +0100
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
leigh chareles goldstein wrote:  ". . . my tendency to separate social/
political commenatary from psychological/ personal commentary "
        from jordan stein: Why do you make that distinction.  Given the
major convention of classical Hollywood is to focus on a goal centered
protagonist, who's inner psychology is manifested outwardly, are you
denying the possibility of any classical film to make social commentary.
Don't humans understand films because films implicitly contain social
assumptions that we are able to understand.  Just because a film focuses on
individual, does that mean it isn't making commentary on that society?  For
instance, even though the Wizard of Oz focuses on Dorothy's psychological
need to get home, because that film was made in the depression, for
audiences of the depression, I would argue that type of reading is
applicable.  As an aside, how does Oz rank as a utopian society?
                                               sincerely, Jordan