Flow Special Issue -- SXSW
Mon, 13 Feb 2012 09:46:03 -0600
Call for Papers—Special Flow Issue on SXSW 2012
Abstracts due: Friday, February 17, 2012 Submit to [log in to unmask]
Articles due: Friday, March 2, 2012
FlowTV.org is an online journal of television and new media published
by the Department of Radio-TV-Film at the University of Texas at Austin.
For this special issue, the editors of FLOW seek short essays
(1000-1300 words) examining topics related to the 2012 South by
Southwest Conference to take place in Austin, TX on March 9-18. We
welcome articles that address any of the components that make up SXSW:
Film, Music, and Interactive. Possible themes include:
- The evolution of film, media and/or music festivals
- Performative spaces within SXSW
- Marketing and Distribution
- SXSW as community, contact zone, milieu of innovation, etc.
- Festival audiences: importance and implications
- SXSW and its relation to Austin
- Independent music and film production
- Education and SXSW
- SXSW as launching pad
- The interrelations of race, class, and gender at SXSW
We especially welcome present or past SXSW participants to discuss
their experiences.
These articles are primarily intended as “think” pieces that will spur
discussion amongst scholars and audiences. Therefore, columns should
aim to ask provocative questions for future research and debate,
rather than provide definitive answers. We encourage the use of visual
aids such as images, frame-grabs, or video clips.
Please submit a 100-150 word abstract or article proposal by Friday,
February 17, 2012 to [log in to unmask]
Contact [log in to unmask] for more information about this issue.
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