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February 1997, Week 1


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
William Lafferty <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 13:39:16 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
        I would have to say that the prototypical, as well as
quintessential, Marine drill sergeant first appeared as Jack Webb in
1957's *The D. I.,* also directed by Webb, and undoubtedly had its
progenitors in any number of World War II-era films, like *Wake Island,*
*Guadalcanal Diary,* etc.
        The actor who portrayed the d. i. in Kubrick's *Full Metal Jacket*
(whose name escapes me) was featured, I believe, on *Entertainment
Tonight* within the last two weeks as an actual Marine d. i. who has
fashioned a successful acting career in playing that specific role.
                               William Lafferty
Department of Theatre Arts                           [log in to unmask]
Wright State University                           office (937) 775-4581 or 3072
Dayton, OH  45435-0001  USA                            facsimile (937) 775-3787
"I have been in the scholastic profession long enough to know that nobody
enters it unless he has some very good reason which he is anxious to conceal."
                              --- Augustus Fagin, Esq., Ph.D, in Evelyn Waugh's
                                  *Decline and Fall*
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