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June 1996, Week 1


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Lincoln - Fetching Pictures <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Jun 1996 19:02:22 GMT
text/plain (34 lines)
On Fri, 31 May 1996 11:47:47 -0400, Michael Plott <[log in to unmask]>
>Why did the movie Ishtar fail?
other posters will disagree with me, but...
i believe the movie failed because the press got on top of it and
reviewed it out of context. they called it a bad film "for the
budget." hoffman and beatty received a great deal of money to be in
the film and critics did not see a small comedy costing that much
money being worth touting.
frankly, i saw the movie at a sneak preview and the audience was
lauging its ass off (myself included). i've seen the film many times
since and think it a great laugh.
working in a video store i hear people all the time who see the box
and make a joke out of it "hehe, let's get ishtar." "god, that's one
of the worst movies ever made." to which i always ask if they've seen
it, and they never have.
i regularly push the film at the store i work at and i've never had
someone bring it back and not like it.
i only wish the film had a soundtrack released.
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