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April 1993


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"Dr. David Kintsfather" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Apr 1993 23:11:08 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
In response to Jerry Henderson's request for information, Kutztown
University has a clearly defined policy with regard to MS thesis projects,
which frequently include a video tape.  The student owns the project
outright, with the University retaining only the right to loan the paper
and video tape to qualified scholars through the inter-library loan program.
Our department has extended this policy to student projects informally,
although to my knowledge it has never been an issue.  Students producing
thesis productions or independent study projects are required to purchase
their own video or audio tape and other expendable items.  The theory is
that equipment use is covered in the price of tuition.
Students producing material for our cable channel are provided materials,
and I'm afraid we have never considered who owns the resulting product.
We encourage students to put their best stuff on an audition reel, so at
least to that extent we acknowledge the student's right to his/her own work.
I hope this helps.  Let us hear what CMU comes up with.
 David Kintsfather               | PHONE:       (215) 683-4497
 Dept. of Telecommunications     | INTERNET:    [log in to unmask]
 Kutztown University             | COMPUSERVE:  72106,2436
 PO Box 730                      | "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730        |             Francis David