My So-Called Life: The Battle Continues
Tue, 31 Jan 1995 13:54:01 CST
OLS = "Operation Life Support," a group dedicated to saving the U.S.
television program MY SO-CALLED LIFE from cancellation.
MS-CL advocate
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Thursday Jan. 26, OLS took out a full page ad in both Daily Variety (on
page 21) and The Hollywood Reporter (on page 5) to publish the following
open letter. (The word "Life" appears in italics):
Life Must Live
An Open Letter to Mr. Ted Harbert, President of ABC Entertainment
Dear Mr. Harbert:
As you know, tonight at 8:00 p.m. (PST), ABC will broadcast the season
finale of My So-Called Life--the most provocative, intelligent, and heartfelt
television drama of the season.
Since our formation on November 30, 1994, our organization, Operation
Life Support, has vigorously supported the renewal of Life. In fifty-eight
days, we have received nearly 11,000 e-mail messages, raised over $6,000 from
individual viewer contributions, and generated a tempest of publicity
throughout the United States and Canada. In this open letter, we would like
to tell you why we strongly believe that Life must live.
As you are aware, Life has attracted a devoted following that crosses
all boundaries of age, gender, lifestyle, profession and economic standing.
Teachers, students, doctors, lawyers, and college professors and many others
have come to care deeply about this drama and its characters. The reasons
are many.
Ostensibly, Life tells the story of 15 year-old Angela Chase, (played by
Golden Globe winner Claire Danes), but on a deeper level, Life is
intergenerational. Life unites us all by portraying the common experience of
two diverse age groups: Teenagers, coming of age, and their parents,
entering middle age. Viewers identify with these characters facing the
challenges of adolescence--that critical period when one achieves
self-awareness and self-identity. Viewers also identify with the characters
facing the challenges of middle age--affirming and renewing established
self-awareness and self-identity. Many viewers regard Life's characters so
perceptively real that they consider the characters to be friends--friends
whose lives have greater meaning than their own on Thursday nights.
Life provides another kind of uniting force as well. Parents look
forward to Life nights because it is a time of their choosing when they can
spend time with their sons and daughters. Teachers use Life in the classroom
to initiate and encourage discussions about critical issues facing teens
today. People of all ages find Rickie's (Wilson Cruz) ``Odyssey'' poignant,
honest and utterly real. It is no exaggeration to say that this character
has saved lives. Truly, Life is more than a television show; Life is both
art and a public service.
Unfortunately, the excellent quality of Life and the emotions it evokes
from its audience are not reflected in its ratings. Given the true
demographics of Life, cited above, and the time a high quality show sometimes
needs to build a large audience, we believe its time slot and on-air
promotion should be reconsidered. We believe that an 8:00 p.m. air time may
be too early for viewers who are, and would be, properly part of Life's
audience. We further believe that ABC could increase viewership with greater
promotion. Finally, Life needs, and deserves, more than a single season to
establish its audience. as have other shows such as Hill Street Blues,
Cheers, and 90210.
The response Life evokes from its followers is not inexplicable. It is
the response that intellectual challenge evokes in our minds. It is the
response that all art evokes in the human heart. It is the response which
transcends Nielsen ratings and the ``bottom line.''
Accordingly, Life needs a champion. Be Life's champion Mr. Harbert, as
you have from the beginning. When you ``make that gut call in May,'' do what
you know is right and renew Life. We know you believe, as we do, that Life
is too good to end.
Steve C. Joyner
Director, Operation Life Support
This ad was paid for entirely by viewer contributions to Operation Life
Support, a viewers' initiative to save My So-Called Life. For further
information please write, phone, fax, or e-mail. Operation Life Support, P.O.
Box 641200 San Francisco, California 94164-1200. Phone: (415) 292-5809 Fax:
(415) 292-4111 E-mail: [log in to unmask]