clarifying "bolting"
Thu, 16 Feb 1995 16:06:51 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thanks for all the responses to my annoying query.
I can't help but feel that at this point I should jump back in and clarify
my definition of the "bolting protagonist". The problem is that if it is
interpreted too widely, it becomes useless for all practical purposes. I
mean, if the list is too long, we can't check them to see what particular
kind of bolting is at work in each case.
I think some of the titles suggested so far are simply cases of protagonists
LEAVING the scene.
What we are looking for specifically is protagonists who do something
equivalent to saying to their spouse, "Honey I'm going out for cigarettes"
and then they get on a plane and fly to the other side of the earth and
leave no forwarding address. There should be a deceptiveness or a deadpan
quality at work.
Titles may still be useful even if the bolting one is not a protagonist,
or even if it's not at the end of the film. But the deceptive or deadpan
thing is essential.
Let me take a couple of Westerns suggested as an example. "The Searchers" as
I remember it, would be a pretty good fit, because the John Wayne character
just takes off without telling the group of people who assume he will stay.
"High Noon" on the other hand (I hope I'm remembering correctly) would not
be a good fit, because, although the Gary Cooper character does LEAVE at
end, he actually announces his intentions by throwing down his badge.
Anyway, thanks again,