Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory
Mon, 11 Nov 2013 08:39:41 +0000
Announcing the publication of:
*The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory*
Edited by Edward Branigan and Warren Buckland
Published in November 2013 (526 pages; hardback) - out in paperback in
late 2014.
*The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory* contains 83 entries on the
ideas and concepts that constitute the core knowledge of film theory:
familiar concepts such as 'Apparatus', 'Classic Realist Text', 'Diegesis',
'Enunciation', 'Gaze', 'Ideology', and 'Identification', combined with less
well-known but equally important concepts, such as 'Pixel/Cut/Vector',
'Mimetic Innervation', Alain Badiou's concept of 'Inaesthetics', and
Jean-Luc Nancy's concept of 'Evidence'.
The editors commissioned over 50 scholars from around the globe to address
the difficult formulations and propositions in a theory, reduce these
difficult formulations to straightforward propositions, rewrite and clarify
inexact formulations, and avoid abstract generalities.
The conceptual links between the 83 entries are represented on the
*Encyclopedia'*s cover in the form of a cluster map (visualized using open
source Gephi software). The complete map can be seen (and
enlarged/downloaded) on the book's website (under the Additional Resources
The first Introduction to the *Encyclopedia* can also be read and
downloaded from the same website.
Warren Buckland
Reader in Film Studies
Oxford Brookes University
"Branigan and Buckland's *Encyclopedia of Film Theory* is an extraordinary
accomplishment. The entries present with clarity and order concepts from
the entire history of film theory, often revealing surprising connections
and filiations among ideas and authors. In the crowded field of theory
overviews, this will be the essential reference work for many years to come
for both beginning and advanced researchers."
D. N. Rodowick, Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor in Cinema and
Media Studies, The University of Chicago
"*The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory* is both a wonderful map and
intriguing maze. The encyclopedia retraces the history of film theory
through more than eighty entries. Each reconstructs a debate, but also
offers an up-dated perspective. My advice to the reader: (1) investigate
your question; (2) then proceed randomly, as if you were surfing the
Internet; (3) make connections be as strange as possible; (4) challenge the
path from light to dark suggested by Branigan in the Epilogue, and disrupt
it by finding new ways to make film live. Above all, savour the reading: it
brings to light important chapters in the history of thought, and
rediscovers what we thought we knew and what we think now."
Francesco Casetti, Professor, Film Studies Program, Yale University
"*The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory* is an astonishing achievement.
Comprehensive – organized around no fewer than 83 distinct concepts – and
authored by recognized specialists, it is sure to establish itself as a
great teaching resource. Entries are concise and informative, written in
clear language, which makes them especially helpful to students coming to
film theory for the first time and seeking a user-friendly, but focused
guide. The Editors are to be highly commended for the way they cross-list
entries and map the connections between them."
Thomas Elsaesser, Professor Emeritus, University of Amsterdam
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite