Deletion: Episode One: the pleasures of science fiction - now available online
Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:01:35 +0000
Dear Colleagues,
We are proud to announce the release of Episode One of Deletion, the online, open access forum in Science Fiction. Organised around the theme of the pleasures of science fiction, the edition can be accessed here:
Running Order:
Sean Redmond, Trent Griffiths, Chris Moore, Elizabeth Braithwaite, Leon Marvell (editors)
Welcome: the age of deletion
Angela Ndalianis: Astro Boy, Science-fictionality and Japanese Robotics
Mark Bould: The Pleasures of Science Fiction; or, some things I did the other day…
Horst Sarubin: The Drowning Man
Sherryl Vint: Spectacles and Seriality: The Entwined Pleasure Potential of Science Fiction Television
Matt Hills: The “World-sharing” Pleasures of SF: From Expansive Universes to Miniscule Details
Christy Dena: Deletions and Other Pleasures
Deletion is soliciting papers and creative work from scholars and practitioners of science fiction. We are also soliciting ideas for themed special editions. Submission details can be found here:
For questions and enquiries please contact the editors at: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Sean Redmond
Associate Professor in Media and Communication
School of Communication and Creative Arts
Faculty of Arts and Education
Deakin university
e: [log in to unmask]
t: 61 3 924 43931
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