Assistant Lecturer Position
Fri, 31 Oct 2003 14:20:47 +1300
> Massey University
> Assistant Lecturer in Media Studies
> The School of English and Media Studies, located at Palmerston North,
> New Zealand, invites applications for the position of Assistant
> Lecturer in Media Studies, a one-year limited term position during
> 2004. The applicant should either have completed or be in the late
> stages of doctoral studies; he or she will be able to continue with a
> personal research project, but will be expected to contribute to the
> teaching of Media Studies in the School. This contribution will
> mainly be in relation to first-year courses, but there may be a need
> to assist with advanced courses, and teaching will include an
> opportunity to lecture as well as small group work. The successful
> applicant will be expected to teach during contact courses for
> extramural students, and an ability to tutor a second-year course in
> advertising will be an advantage. A return fare will be provided for
> the successful applicant from his or her normal location. The salary
> will be at an appropriate step on the Assistant Lecturer scale
> ($NZ39614 - $NZ43014).
> Applicants should submit a CV, a brief letter of application outlining
> previous experience and qualifications, and a list of three referees
> (with email addresses), to the Head of School, Professor Warwick
> Slinn, English and Media Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North,
> New Zealand. Electronic applications are preferred: send to
> [log in to unmask]
> Applications close on 19th November, 2003.
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