Google Corporate Culture
Mon, 8 Feb 2010 15:55:49 -0800
Dear Colleagues,
I am presently conducting an analysis of industrial or commercial
online videos produced by and distributed on Google/YouTube about
their information labor work environment. My basic interpretation is
that these Google corporate videos are designed as a form of corporate
transparency, future worker recruitment, and present worker
therapeutics. My main goal is to develop methods by which scholars can
investigate the work conditions of inaccessible global corporations
through study of their public and reflexive documents. Texts referring
to any of these issues will be much appreciated. Specifically, I am
writing to inquire if anybody can recommend texts that investigate
industrial or commercial videos.
Thank you in advance.
Adam Fish
UCLA Department of Anthropology
375 Portola Plaza
341 Haines Hall, Box 951553
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1553
Cell: 310-745-6976
Fx: 310-206-7833
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