Data on the Japanese Film Industry
Tue, 22 Sep 1998 11:02:57 +0200
Hello folks,
Does anyone know where I can find information (web, books, articles, oranizations) on the Japanese film industry?
I am especially interested in economic data, describing the structure of film financing, production, distribution in Japan. How many companies are there and how important are they? How does the film financing work in Japan? What´s the market share of U.S. and other foregn motion pictures? Is there a export market for japanese films (in Asia or the world, for the theatres, TV, video)? What is the average cost of a japanese production? How important are video and TV markets? etc.
Thank you very much
Kind regards
Christian Jansen
Humboldt University of Berlin
Department of Economics
Dipl.-Vw. Chr. Jansen
Spandauer Str. 1
D-10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30-2093-5676
Fax:+49 (0)30-2093-5697
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