Re: auto/biographical films and videos
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:10:28 -0700
If you haven't yet, you should definitely take a look at _Resolutions:
Contemporary Video Practices_, edited by Michael Renov and Erika Suderburg,
which frequently explores the linkages between video and the "confessional
urge." You also might want to track down Caren Kaplan's piece on female
"outlaw" autobiographical literature (e.g. the Latin American genre of
testimonio), entitled "Resisting Autobiography," which is reprinted in
_De/Colonizing the Subject_, edited by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson.
Sounds like a great project. Good luck,
Greg Oguss
USC School of Cinema-TV
At 10:00 AM 7/14/01 -0700, you wrote:
>(Please excuse cross-postings.)
>I'm looking for theoretical studies of autobiographical and biographical
>films, videos, and television programs. I am especially interested in
>analyses that address experimental and independent work. This research
>will complement the essays on experimental videos by American women of the
>late twentieth century that I am in the process of posting online at
>Elayne Zalis, [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]
>Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
>University of Alabama:
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: