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November 1994, Week 4


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
David Martin <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 27 Nov 1994 12:38:47 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Sat, 26 Nov 1994 18:18:41 -0500, Allan Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
was curious about my query about The Professional:
> Would it be inappropriate to ask Mr. Martin what exactly are the
> purposes of his study?
> Given the infusion of <americanized product> by the Hollywood Studios I
> would be curious as to the purposes of this study. Hope this is not out
> of line.
Not at all.  I'm doing the 'study' for a number of reasons.  A little on
my background: (Back before time began, I used to be an actor, but on to
present day:) A few years ago I used to have an entertainment magazine which
was distributed (among other locations) on the internet (when the concept
was still relatively new).  As well, I used to be heavily involved in
consumer marketing research (contracting for companies like Kraft
General Foods, Seagram, Health & Welfare Canada, Neilson, etc.)
My life has since changed dramatically, including a move to a new city,
and a few career changes in-between as well.
I must confess that I still have the fascination with how people think.
Especially about entertainment.
When I used to run the magazine, there wasn't really a heavy emphasis on
input from 'people on the street'.
Having been witness, over the last few years, of the generous nature and
kind-heartedness of the people (in general) on the Internet, I wanted to
see what kind of input I could get if I picked a film in specific.
I picked The Professional, as I attended an advance screening of it, and
was very impressed.  I was curious how many other people shared a similar
opinion and would be willing to express it "without compensation" (i.e.
without any ulterior motivations).
So far, I must admit, that without a "carrot", I have only received a
handful of responses about the film.  I didn't cross-post to hundreds of
lists so I didn't get a lot of coverage, but I wasn't interested in
generating flames, only opinions.
The responses that I have received, in general, have been thoughtful and
insightful, which only excites and encourages me further to see where I
can go with this.
Hope that helped
David Martin
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