Re: Love and intimacy in the movies
Mon, 4 Dec 2000 11:21:26 -0500
I recommend Beth Bailey's book _From Front Porch to Back Seat: Courtship in
Twetieth Century America_ (1988) and Peter Filene's _Him/Her/Self: Sex Roles
in Modern America, 2nd ed._. Also the book _Intimate Matters_ by John
D'Emilio et al. All of these are oldies but goodies.
>===== Original Message From Film and TV Studies Discussion List =====
>on 2/12/00 12:49 pm, Thomas Morsch at [log in to unmask] wrote:
>> films that present 'non-hegemonic' relationships (e.g. homosexual
>> relationships, relationships between adults and children,
>> pseudo-relationships from afar between fan/star, etc.) as an alternative
>> to hegemonic ideas of love,
>Four Weddings and a Funeral is worth considering because it is such a
>popular mainstream romantic comedy yet in the subplot it contrasts a happy
>loving stable homosexual couple with the fluid heterosexual affair in the
>main plot. The commitment phobic male, the female in search of a good man
>and taking the initiative, and the fashionable seal of approval on the
>homosexual pair are all icons of our age - My Best Friend's Wedding and the
>latest film of Madonna and Rupert Everett (title escapes me) also show
>similar notions with an affirmative nod for the homosexual.
>Perhaps one of the most important representations of homosexual
>relationships 'as an alternative to hegemonic ideas of love' would have to
>be Maurice because of the success of the film. It's striking for giving the
>polished Merchant-Ivory gloss to an alternative relationship, and was the
>first time on mainstream screens in the States for men to be shown making
>love. The romanticised images and pleasure of the spectacle made it
>attractive to audiences for whom the content would normally have been
>Finally My Beautiful Launderette and Crying Game use the idea of a
>homosexual relationship between a white and black man to open up questions
>about identity, race and class through the central love story. In both
>cases the love story subverts convention and incurs violence - love as
>radical in contrast to the usual drive for stability and order that
>underlies the love story.
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Christina Lane
Assistant Professor and James B. Pendleton fellow
Dept. of Cinema and Photography
244 Roy H. Park School of Communications
Ithaca College
Ithaca, NY 14850
PH (607) 274-7003
FX (607) 274-1664
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: