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April 1999, Week 1


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Bruce Brasell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 12:25:42 -0600
text/plain (54 lines)
The Human Rights Watch International Film Festival held in New York City
showed a series of videos in 1994 from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. They
were by a group called SAGA (Sarajevo Group of Authors). Some of them where
later shown on public TV along with a few other documentaries on Sarajevo.
These might be the ones you are thinking of. I saw some of them and was
surprised that a number of them were experimental.- I had falsely assumed
they would be of a more realistic aesthetic given that they were made in the
middle of a war.

The SAGA video titles shown were-
I Burned Legs (Srdan Vuletic, 1993) [10 min.]
Diary of a Filmmaker (Mirza Idrizovic, 1992/1993) [36 min.]
Draw Me (Francois Lunel, 1993) [5 min.]
Confessions of a Monster (Ademir Kenovic and Ismel Nuno Amautalic, 1992) [30
My Mother the Sehit (Danis Tanovic and Dino Mustafic, 1992) [12 min.]
Bums and Dogs (Zlatko Lavanic, 1992) [26 min.]
Angels in Sarajevo (Antoniji Nino Zalica, 1993) [7 min.]
Traveling Children (Antonije Nino Zalica, 1993) [5 min.]
Godot - Sarajevo (Pjer Zalica, 1993) [35 min.]
The Letter, 19.08.1992 (Zdravko Grebo, 1992) [8 min.]
Sarajevo 1992 (Mirz Idrizovic, 1983/1992) [20 min.]
Sarajevo--A Street Under Siege (SAGA and Pointe du Jour)
        [Hour compilation of 2 min. segments]
Survival Brew (Mchmed Arsamha, 1993) [10 min.]
Water and Blood (Ibrahim Helja and Ferid Pasovic, 1992) [5 min.]

The ones to be showed on TV were-
War Crimes Against Women (Mandy Jacobson, 1994) [14 min.]
Kolaps (Diana Coryat and the Global Action Project, 1994) [20 min.]
I Burned Legs (SAGA/Srdan Vuletic, 1993) [10 min.]
Sarajevo Film Festival Film (Johan van der Keuken, 1993) [14 min.]

Also shown at the Film Festival that year were-
Miss Sarajevo (Bill Carter, 1993) [29 min.]
The Living and the Dead in Sarajevo (Radovan Tadic, 1994) [75 min.]
Traces of Sarajevo (Sahin Sisic, 1994) [30 min.]

You could contact the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival to find
out the distributors. The only address I have is old -
485 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY  10017-6104.

The number I saw for a list of distributors was (212) 978-8991. Don't know
if it is still good.

Hope this helps.


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