SCREEN-L / German Studies syllabi
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 15:33:09 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
*****************MARCH 1, 1995 IS THE DEADLINE****************************
for the the DAAD competition for the Best Syllabi in German Studies
*** $1000 in prizes *** for innovative interdisciplinary or comparative
approaches to the teaching of German Studies (including language, politics,
history, literature, cinema, anthropology, culture, art, music, Women's
Studies, Jewish Studies, etc.) will be awarded in 1995.
All syllabi submitted for the competition will be included in an
on-line, multi-year data base of teaching materials for German Studies.
Complete and detailed syllabi, including detailed references, sources, and
pedagogical goals, should be submitted as hard copy and on computer disk
clearly labeled to indicate computer (PC/Mac), author, and software by
March 1, 1995 to Kizer Walker, Department of German Studies, 194 Goldwin
Smith Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. Further information
about the competition or about accessing the database electronically can be
requested at the same address or, by e-mail, from [log in to unmask]
Kizer Walker
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