Call for submission for online exhibition at FLEFF 2017
Tue, 7 Mar 2017 15:39:27 +0400
The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) begins its 20th anniversary celebrations in 2017, exploring the theme of geographies. As part of its anniversary programming, FLEFF invites submissions for its online exhibition, Invisible Geographies. Prizes of US$500, US$300, and US$200 will be awarded for outstanding projects.
Geographies suggest relationships between peoples and places. They offer paths and possibilities for people to move from place to place. Literally meaning “earth-writing,” geography maps space, rendering natural and built environments into graphic signs and symbols, defined in terms of proximity and congruity. Cities dot maps; lines demarcate borders; dotted lines chart trade and travel routes.
At the same time, invisible geographies chart unmarked and unmapped relationships including ones that have been erased or obscured. They reclaim repressed histories of stolen lands. They uncover unacknowledged or unwanted connections. They map what we cannot see — or perhaps do not want to see
Invisible Geographies seeks submissions that investigate mappings and remappings of people and places. It seeks digital projects that examine or imagine invisible geographies of humans and animals, natural and artificial environments, or physical and virtual spaces.
Submissions must be accessible via digital platform but can include other components such as mobile apps for augmented reality or documentation of other iterations/components like live performances or gallery installations.
Please submit a 150-word synopsis, a 75-word artist bio, and a link to your project to: FLEFF Digital Curator Dale Hudson (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE) and FLEFF Assistant Digital Curator Claudia Costa Pederson (Wichita State University, USA) no later than 15 April 2017 at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>. The exhibition will launch in fall 2017.
For additional information on FLEFF, visit: <>. To see last year’s online exhibition, Interface/Landscape, visit: <>. Projects from past editions appear in Thinking through Digital Media: Transnational Environments and Locative Places <> (2015).
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