Studies in French Cinema News (September)
Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:41:43 +0000
1. Studies in French Cinema vol 14 no 2
2. PG Essay Prize
3. New Books
1. Studies in French Cinema vol 14 no 2
has been published with the following six articles:
Thomas Pillard, Une voix de star française sur des images américaines: Fernandel dans L’Ennemi public n°1 (Verneuil, 1953)
Ellen C. Schwartz, Last Year at Marienbad as cubist cinema
Jenny Oyallon-Koloski, Genre experimentation and contemporary dance inJeanne et le garçon formidable
Kath Dooley, ‘When you have your back to the wall, everything becomes easy’: performance and direction in the films of Catherine Breillat
Emna Mrabet, Contestation et défense des droits humains chez les cinéastes Abdellatif Kechiche et Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche
Peter Baxter, At first sight: love, narrative, history
2. PG Essay Prize
We are soliciting submissions for the Postgraduate Essay Prize. The deadline is 31 October 2014. Please see here for further details:
3. New Books
Hugo Frey, Nationalism and the Cinema in France: Political Mythologies and Film Events, 1945-1995, Berghahn.
André Gaudreault and Laurent Le Forestier (eds), Méliès, carrefour des attractions, suivi de Correspondance de Georges Méliès (1904-1937), Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
Daniel Weyl, Robert Bresson: Procès de Jeanne D’Arc: de la plume médiévale au cinématographe, L’Harmattan.
Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
The Elizabeth Fry Building
University of Surrey
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