Now online! Screen Plays: The Theatre Plays on British Television Database
Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:20:22 +0000
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the launch of the first phase of the Screen
Plays: The Theatre Plays on British Television Database.
Published in association with the BUFVC, this can now be accessed here: <>
Screen Plays documents British television productions of plays that were
originally written for the theatre. In this ³soft launch² version, it
features information about productions of theatre plays from 1936 to 1965,
the years in which the BBC and ITV transmitted over two-thirds of the
3,000-plus televised theatre plays that have been made to date. There is
also a selection of later records to which we will add over the coming
Screen Plays features cast and credits lists for most of the productions
included as well as information about the television production and the play
on which it was based. It also offers information on the audiovisual and
print sources that are known to exist for each of these productions. The
site itself has guidelines on how to make the most of the search facility
<> .
We regard this version of Screen Plays as an initial draft which we hope
will be useful in this form. But we recognise that there is much work still
to do, and we welcome all additions, corrections and suggestions for
improvement; please e-mail these to [log in to unmask]
This resource is one of the major outputs of the AHRC-funded research
project Screen Plays: Theatre Plays on British Television
<> from 2011 to 2015. The Principal
Investigator on the project was John Wyver
s-project-team> and the Research Fellow was Amanda Wrigley
s-project-team> . We are grateful to the AHRC, the University of Westminster
and the BUFVC for their invaluable support.
We hope you enjoy exploring the database and we look forward to learning
your thoughts and responses.
With best wishes,
John Wyver
Dr Amanda Wrigley
Dr Amanda Wrigley
Research Fellow
University of Westminster <>
@amanda_wrigley <>
AHRC-funded project 'Screen Plays: Theatre Plays on British Television'
<> , 2011-15.
British Library listening events 'Inner Voices . . . Inner Worlds'
<> , Oct.-Dec. 2015.
NEW BOOK! Greece on Air: Engagements with Ancient Greece on BBC Radio,
1920s-1960s <> . Oxford
University Press, 2015.
Now online! Screen Plays: The Theatre Plays on British Television Database
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite