UPDATE: Cultural Studies Association (US)
Sun, 26 Dec 2004 10:26:25 -0600
Tucson, Arizona
April 21-24, 2005
New at this year's CSA conference are seminars. Seminars are small-group
(maximum 12 individuals) discussion sessions for which participants write
brief "position papers" that are circulated to the other seminar
participants prior to the conference. The seminars are designed to foster
more exchange than traditional paper-reading sessions, and they may allow
the formation of networks of scholars who continue to collaborate.
Participation in a seminar will allow conferees to seek financial support
from their institutions. Paper length and deadlines will be established by
individual seminar leaders.
A preliminary list of seminars for the 2005 appears below (see our website
for possible new additions). In order to participate in a seminar, send an
email message to [log in to unmask] with the words <seminar request> in the
subject line.
Your message should list up to three seminars, ranked in order of
preference, in which you would like to participate. (You will be allowed to
participate in only one seminar, but you may participate in a seminar
regardless of what other role you may have on the program.) Your message
should also include your name, contact information, and institutional
affiliation. Seminar requests should be sent by January 21, 2005. You will
be notified of your seminar assignment by January 31, 2005.
1. Public Cultural Studies
Charlie Bertsch Assistant Professor of English, University of Arizona
This seminar will consider the pros and cons of researching and writing for
a broad audience instead of scholars with similar points of reference. At
what point, if any, does striving for accessibility compromise professional
or political goals? Participants will discuss the relationship between
style and content, choice of publishing venue, and the advantages and
disadvantages of being polemical.
Participants will be asked to pre-circulate position papers of no more than
pages to other members by March 1, 2005.
2. What's Love Got To Do With It? Thinking the Estrangement Between Studies
of Reproductive Politics and Sexuality Studies
Laura Briggs Associate Professor of Women's Studies, University of
Arizona; former staff writer for Gay Community News; and member of the
Reproductive Rights National Network
Dr. Barbara Herbert Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
Studies of reproduction continue to be crucial to numerous kinds of
feminist scholarship, from historical studies of welfare rights to an
anthropology of reproductive technology, while sexuality studies is a
vibrant interdiscipline particularly focused in, but by no means limited
to, queer studies. Why are these intellectual and political discourses so
often resolutely separate? Is it a given, for example, that Queer Studies
has nothing to say about deviant heterosexualities, or that scholarship on
the abortion wars cannot think through closely allied issue of the
right-wing's obsessive homophobia? This seminar will address the ways that
these political practices/ academic fields (for they are both these kinds
of hyphenated entities) have been mutually imbricated, models for thinking
them together, and the forces and histories that cause us to conceptualize
them separately.
Partipants will be asked to write a 5 page position paper addressing the
questions posed, by March 1st, to be precirculated to the other seminar
3. Bush Won. What Next?
Eric Hayot Assistant Professor of English, University of Arizona
Assuming that practical considerations keep most of us from moving to
Canada, what kinds of (intellectual, pedagogical, practical) acts are
possible within the institutional frameworks in which we find ourselves? But
also: what possible personal relationships can those of us in the United
States adopt to the fact of our geographic location or our citizenship? What
kinds of resisting subject can emerge from that kind of complicity?
Participants will be asked to write short (3-5 page) answers to these
questions and distribute/read them in advance of the conference. Up to 30
participants will be accepted.
4. Sex, Race, and "Globalization" in the Early Modern Period
Kari Boyd McBride Associate Professor of Women's Studies, University of
Through the Sex, Race and Globalization stream, the conference organizers
"seek to explore the imbrication of sexuality, gender and race with
economic, political and informational processes across local, regional,
national and transnational scales." This seminar asks how such processes
functioned in the early modern era. How were bodies and information
trafficked in that period? How did markers of social difference like race,
gender, and sexuality inflect such exchange? How were those categories
constructed in the transactions themselves? How did geography, place, and
space both catalyze and distort individual and national identities?
Participants will be asked to pre-circulate papers of no more than 10
pages to other members by March 1, 2005.
5. Family and Governmentality: The Question of Culture
Chandan Reddy Assistant Professor of English, University of Washington
Gillian Harkins Assistant Professor of English, University of Washington
Seminar Description: This seminar will address the current animation of
family as a key figure for contemporary cultural studies. Recent interest
in the family has spawned claims about its centrality to a remarkable range
of intellectual and political domains, including political economy,
historiography, liberal rights, and social and psychic formations. These
heterogeneous claims remark both radical changes, as well as continuities,
between residual and emergent systems of power. This seminar invites
scholars working in different historical and social contexts who seek to
engage Foucault's conception of governmentality to investigate the seeming
vibrancy of "family" as a site of social and intellectual struggle.
Participants are asked to read Michel Foucault's essay "Governmentality"
and provide a brief written response to the essay and/or the seminar topic
(2-5 pages). This written response should stage and respond to key
questions raised in relation to the participants' own research. Questions
could focus on methodology, archive, domains of culture, domains of
kinship, changes in state practice, etc. These response papers will be
distributed to all seminar participants by March 1st. Seminar leaders will
pre-circulate a synthesis of key questions and topics of interest based on
these response papers.
6. Genders, Sexualities, and Muslim Worlds
Elif Shafak Assistant Professor of Turkish and Women's Studies, University
of Arizona
Rudolf P. Gaudio Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Purchase College,
State University of New York
This seminar deviates from and challenges the prevailing Western-academic
obsession with "Woman and Islam" by exploring gender and sexuality in
Islamic societies within a complexity of relations that are both positive
and negative, confining and liberating. Questions to be considered
include: How are categories of 'feminine' and 'masculine', 'Muslim' and
'Islam' defined, negotiated and contested in different social and
geographical settings? How have diverse gender and sexual identities been
imaginatively fashioned in Muslim societies in the past, how are they being
articulated today? How and to what extent are Muslims' gender and sexual
identities facilitated and/or constrained by different approaches to
Islamic governance and scriptural interpretation?
Each participant will be required to write and distribute to other seminar
participants a 5-page essay in advance of the conference.
7. Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
David Shumway, Professor of English and Literary and Cultural Studies,
Carnegie Mellon University
This seminar will address the intersection of theory and practice in
Cultural Studies, both as it has occurred up until now and how it might be
better implemented in the future. How has cultural studies practice
responded to theory? How should we as scholars bring "theory" and
"practice" together? Brief papers should address one or both of these
Participants will be asked to write short (5 page) answers to these
questions and distribute/read them in advance of the conference.
8. Cultural Studies: Curriculum and Methodology
Paul Smith, Professor, Cultural Studies PhD Program, George Mason University
As Cultural Studies comes to be institutionalised in more ways and in more
places, the demand for rigorous curricula and lucid methodologies becomes
paramount. The seminar will focus, then, on curricula and methodology
equally, and on the two as as necessarily inter-related. The view will be
toward forming some consensus on the pragmatic and theoretical issues
facing Cultural Studies in the university.
Participants are asked to send and distibute to other participants
beforehand a short (2-3 pp) position paper on curricular or methodological
issues, or on the relation between curricula and methodology.
9. Next Directions in Media Reception Studies
Janet Staiger, Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at
Cultural and reception research in media studies has possibly hit a
plateau. Multiple theories and methods guide broad and specific studies of
interpretations and effects of film, television, and the internet. What
gaps exist in our field? What new directions need to be explored? Where
do we go from here?
Seminar participants will prepare a 1000- to 2000-word position paper by
March 15, 2005, to be circulated in advance.
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