Re: Heinlein's heros
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 14:43:58 -0500
Lang Thompson wrote:
> At 03:54 AM 11/19/97 -0500, you wrote:
> For the other I don't even
> >have an approximate title but the hero is female operative of some future
> >CIA-type organization. True, she fucks a lot, but she also fights,
> >survives some pretty grim torture, etc. Whatever is wrong with Heinlein's
> The title slips my mind at the moment but take a chance to examine the
> paperback cover closely, especially the zipper on her costume. (Oh alright
> I'll save you the trouble: the zipper "teeth" are tiny penises (penii?).)
The title is "Friday", the name of the protagonist. I was definitely struck by
the cover's powerful erotic undertones when I read the book several years ago,
but I did not examine it closely to discover why. This seems as much like food
for laughs about subliminal suggestion as grim suspicion on its ubiquity,
since it is the only instance of its like I can recall from many years of
reading science fiction paperbacks and selecting my reading based on
cover/blurb as much as other information.
Joe Lamantia
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