Re: Godzilla
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 20:44:01 -0500
There was a brief LD release of the Japanese cut right around the time of
the horrid Roland Emmerich film. I know the comic shops where I live have 1
generation down copies with English subtitles sold in their original boxes
(they are not color xeroxes--those I pass on). Right now I have _Gojira_,
_Gojira VS Supesugojira_, and _Gojira VS Desutoroia_. If I weren't so
strapped from nobody willing to hire an English major for any sort of job,
I'd get _Gojira tai Hedora_, one of the most stylish films in the series
(which the executive producer loathed--but he was in the hospital and unable
to stop it), which I have only in an EP taped off low power TV version. It
was the first one I saw, and it is extremely weird. I didn't like it as
much until I started appreciating avant-garde cinema.
Scott Andrew Hutchins
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Sheehan" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:12 AM
Subject: Godzilla
> >>
> "As for the Godzilla films, before you criticize, see the original
> Japanese versions, in widescreen for the ones that were filmed that
> way."
> <<
> The question is, where and how? I would love a source for
> English-subtitled originals. If ever there was a flick that screamed out
> for a nice Criterion US release, the first Godzilla would be it IMHO.
> ----
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