Titanic Call for Papers
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:03:57 EDT
(Moderator: Please post this correction instead of earlier mailing)
Gaylyn Studlar and Kevin Sandler of the Program of Film and Video Studies at
the University of Michigan are inviting submissions for a forthcoming
anthology on Titanic to be published by Rutgers University Press at the end of
the year. This collection will investigate the phenomenon generated by James
Cameron's film, Titanic, from a variety of methodological approaches. Papers
might explore a number of topics including masculinity, stardom, special
effects and technology, genre, audience reception, and auterism.
The deadline for abstracts will be April 30. Decisions will be made later
that week. The 200-500 word abstract should also include a 4-10 line
contributor blurb. Subsequently, we are asking, upon acceptance of a
proposal, a first draft of an essay (thirty pages maximum, including notes) by
July 1, 1998, with a final draft due back to us by August 1, 1998. We
understand the tight deadline of the project; however, we feel this text's
uniqueness is based on its timely attention to a current phenomenon, an
endeavor rarely attempted with such expediency in the field of film and
cultural studies. We believe this immediacy will ensure maximum readership
among a variety of disciplines, critics, and audiences in both the academic
and popular press.
Send abstracts by e-mail, fax, or post to Gaylyn Studlar and Kevin Sandler,
Titanic project, University of Michigan, Film and Video Studies Program, 2512
Frieze Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1285
Telephone: (734) 764-0147
Fax: (734) 936-1846
Gaylyn Studlar: [log in to unmask]
Kevin Sandler: [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.