job posting
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:06:31 -0500
Could you post the following job description? Thanks.
Joanne Morreale
Position: Chair, Department of Communication Studies
Institution: Northeastern University
Location: Massachusetts
urban institution located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts, invites
nominations and applications for the position of Chairperson of its
Department of Communication Studies. The position will begin July 1,
The Department of Communication Studies is one of the largest majors in
the College of Arts and Sciences. It currently consists of 10 full-time
faculty who apply humanistic, critical-cultural approaches in the areas
of media studies, interpersonal and organizational communication, and
rhetorical theory and criticism. We are seeking a dynamic individual
with vision and leadership skills to help shape the direction of the
department, facilitate faculty development and curriculum innovation,
effectively represent the department's interests, and enhance the
department's position within the college, the University, and the
greater Boston community. The successful candidate will demonstrate a
commitment to shared governance and decision-making, teaching and
research excellence, and student-centered, practice-oriented education.
The candidate will have experience in or a demonstrated commitment to
achieving and maintaining diversity in higher education. Candidates
must have an earned doctorate in Communication Studies or related field,
a record of excellence that would warrant tenure at the rank of
Associate or Full Professor, and demonstrated administrative experience.
Northeastern University particularly welcomes applications from women,
minorities, and persons with disabilities. Applications will be
accepted until January 15, 2000, or until a suitable candidate is
found. Send letter of application, full curriculum vitae, and the names
and addresses of three references to:
Professor Joanne Morreale,
Chair, Search Committee,
Department of Communication Studies
101 Lake Hall, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, 02115.
For further information about the Department of Communication Studies,
see our website at www.
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