Re: krasnogorsk-3 16 mm/super 16 mm camera
Mon, 13 May 1996 04:02:41 +0900
At 07:59 1996-05-11 -0400, Simone Fary wrote:
>Does anybody out there have any experience with, or heard about
>the "krasnogorsk-3" 16 or super 16 mm camera - the one with
>the american motor and russian body that is advertised at a very
>good price in the back of The Independent? A friend was
>considering a purchase, but hasn't heard anything about it.
I recall that "krasnogorsk" was THE most frequently referred-to camera-brand
name in the segment of Austrian underground-filmmaking I was affiliated with
(read: friends of mine or other illustrous bar-acquaintances) in the late
80s (before 1989). A number of "lowest budget"-productions I know were done
with Krasnogorsk-cameras, and these cameras were held to be the cheapest
reliable product around. Add to which, these people mainly used ORVO-films -
ORVO was an East-German company, films being only available in Hungary/CSSR
(or other Eastern European countries) at the time, and regular smuggling
trips to Budapest were quite a common phenomenon in those days. I heard that
ORVO made a new start recently, and that they were trying to revive their
honourable tradition. It would be interesting to know how far Krasnogorsk
cameras actually went - did they actually make it to the U.S.?
Birgit Kellner
Department for Indian Philosophy
University of Hiroshima
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