Fulbright Funding in the Fine Arts
Tue, 11 Apr 2017 17:35:20 +0000
Dear Film and TV Studies listserv:
We are writing again to highlight the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program<http://www.cies.org/program/core-fulbright-us-scholar-program> and a number of awards and resources which might be of interest to you and Film and TV Studies listserv members.
For your immediate attention is an invitation to join our upcoming webinar, “The Fine Arts: Discipline-Specific and Interdisciplinary Award Opportunities<http://www.cies.org/event/fine-arts-discipline-specific-and-interdisciplinary-award-opportunities>” on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT. This presentation will provide a brief program overview and highlight awards in the Fine Arts.
In addition to this presentation, you are welcome to join any of our other webinars<http://www.cies.org/event-type/webinar-schedule>. On Tuesday, Apr 18, 2017 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT, please join us for the ABC’s of Fulbright<https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1010747335875668993>. This webinar will offer an introduction to the program and application process.
Opportunities for the 2018-19 academic year are found in the newly redesigned Catalog of Awards<http://awards.cies.org/>. There are many awards in the Fine Arts, including:
• Canada<https://awards.cies.org/content/research-chairs-arts-and-humanities>: Research Chairs in Arts and Humanities
• Namibia<https://awards.cies.org/content/all-disciplines-11>: All Disciplines
• Taiwan<https://awards.cies.org/content/arts-education-humanities-professional-fields-and-social-sciences>: Arts, Education, Humanities, Professional Fields and Social Sciences
• Qatar<https://awards.cies.org/content/all-disciplines-77>: All Disciplines
• Nepal<https://awards.cies.org/content/all-disciplines-research-3>: All Disciplines (Research)
• France<https://awards.cies.org/content/hauts-de-france-regional-award-junior-research>: Hauts-de-France Regional Award (Junior Research)
• Georgia<https://awards.cies.org/content/all-disciplines-45>: All Disciplines
If you have any reservations in regards to the potential length of time spent abroad, many awards offer the option for Flex<http://www.cies.org/fulbright-flex-awards>, which allows a grant to be split into two or three short-term stays abroad. Eligibility criteria, application guidelines, review criteria, and other resources are available on our website<http://www.cies.org/program/core-fulbright-us-scholar-program>.
Please let me know if there is a particular country or region in which you are interested, so I may connect you to the appropriate program staff. You are also invited to join My Fulbright<http://www.cies2.org/> to receive exclusive updates, program information and application tips.
Once you are ready to apply, click here to begin an application<http://www.cies.org/application-login>. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you throughout the application process.
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
Institute of International Education (IIE)
The Fulbright Scholar Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, is administered by CIES, a division of IIE.
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