Re: The mask (1994)
Wed, 18 Dec 1996 11:28:18 -0600
Eva Katz wonders:
"I watched the film "The Mask" with Jim Carrey in one of my
classes and we tried to find out what symbolizes this mask that
sticks to his face and transforms him into his inner
personality, that wants to become a super hero in search of justice
and a good time too.
One of the conclusions were that the mask is a visual
representation of the media that comes between our eyes and the real
world, changes our inner personality . . . "
In terms of the film's own explanation, the mask *unleashes* rather than changes
the "real" inner personality of its wearer. Since Carrey's character is a
devotee of cartoons and is basically good, he is expressed in those terms.
That's why, within the narrative's own logic, it's important to keep the mask
away from the bad guy.
It's an intersting example of how a pop Jungianism continues to permeate
popular culture, while academicians still rake over Freud (even if it is
via Lacan, Derrida or Deleuze!).
(In addition, and without getting too Lacanian about it, one could say that
Jim Carrey himself, whether here or in ACE VENTURA, is a mask for the
--putatively male--audience, enacting all kinds of "antisocial" behavior
while still being a hero.)
Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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