New Journal Announcement--Cultronix
Mon, 1 Aug 1994 12:51:50 -0500
"Your machinery is too much for me..."
_Cultronix_ is a new theoretical journal published electronically via the
Internet. Unlike many other online journals, _Cultronix_ is structured to
include diverse media: articles, images, sound, video hypertext and inter-
active hypermedia. It does this via the world-wide web, which can be used
by programs such as Mosaic, Lynx, Cello, Samba, Viola or WWW -- which may
already be installed on your computer (or if not, are available free from
many sites).
The first issue, dealing with the polemics of "machine" culture (thematiz-
ed upon the line "your machinery is too much for me" from Allen Ginsberg's
"America") will feature works by faculty, graduate students and undergrad-
uates. Submissions have been diverse and unique, with issues ranging from
the displacement of the immigrant body to waste as an industrial threshold.
The first issue is available now.
To see a more detailed description of the journal, our call for papers for
the third issue, our US mail address, and the journal itself, launch a WWW
application (such as Mosaic) and connect to the URL:
or you can find us through such listings as the CERN Virtual Library
"Electronic Journals" collection.
If you have questions, please send e-mail to our editorial board at:
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