Call for papers: The ELT online conference
Wed, 16 May 2001 16:47:02 +0100
Dear Sir or Madam,
We would be grateful if you could pass on the following information to
anyone within your organisation who may be interested in putting in a
presentation proposal. Perhaps you could also print it out and leave it in a
prominent place, such as on the staff-room notice board.
Thank you very much in advance.
Call for papers
The ELT online conference (ELToc, ) to be held online November
10 & 11, 2001 is now inviting presentation proposals. The title of the
conference is "ELT: Evolution of Learning & Teaching".
The conference itself will be held entirely online, meaning presenters and
delegates will take part from anywhere in the world. Presentations are given
via live audio using the free WindowsMedia system plus pre-prepared visual
materials using programs such as PowerPoint. Over the two days more than 40
presentations, keynote speeches and panel-discussions will be held, and over
200 delegates from around the world are expected to attend. All
presentations will be archived, allowing for later viewing.
To give a presentation or to take part in the conference a regular PC with
modem-speed Internet connection is necessary. To submit a paper or to read
more about the event, please visit . Submission deadline for
presentation proposals is August 17, 2001.
If you have colleagues or friends who might be interested in submitting a
paper as well, we would appreciate it if you could forward this e-mail to
them, or make the content of it known to them in some other way.
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