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June 1994


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"Richard J. Leskosky" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Jun 1994 10:10:06 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
>> ===
>> That would be KANSAS CITY BOMBER (1972).
>> --Richard Leskosky
>Thanks, Richard!  Do you also remember another film about women
>and rollerderby done around 1970--I think it was a semi-documentary--
>and as I recall it was titled "Derby"....I don't think that was
>a particularly violent film, except for the images of the sport itself.
>Does this ring any bells with you(pardon the boxing pun, Bill, since you
>asked about women's boxing films)?
That does ring a bell, Sandy. The film was DERBY, directed by Robert Kaylor
in 1971, and it was a feature-length documentary, but I can't recall
anything else about it. From the dates, there's a good chance that it had
something to do with inspiring KANSAS CITY BOMBER--or maybe roller derby
was just very popular then.
By the way, on the subject of boxing women:  there is  a 1978  documentary
short titled CAT: A WOMAN WHO FOUGHT BACK by Jane Warrenbrand about Cathy
Davis, a young woman who wanted to become a professional boxer and had to
go to court for the right to box in New York.