Help, please
Thu, 12 Sep 1996 09:48:40 +0200
I write to you, since you seem to be the only active member in Screen-l
located in France.
My problem is the following I have gotten a grant for 6 day stay in Paris or
elsewhere in France in order to attend a trainning event or a conference.
Initially I wanted to get an intensive editing Avid trainning workshop with
Novacom. But they don't answer my requests by fax. I wanted to fix a date
for November, December or January. so the questions are:
1. Do you know of any Avid trainning given in Paris or France?
2. If the answer is negative, do you know of any other film or tv events
happening in any of those three months. Hopefully related to practitioners
more than scholars?
Thanks beforehand
Alvaro Ramirez-Ospina
Institutt for Medievitenskap
Universitetet i Bergen
Fosswinckelsgt 6
5007 Bergen
Tel: (47) 55 58 91 35
Faks: (47) 55 58 91 49
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