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April 2007, Week 3


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"Darnell, Amy L." <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:48:38 -0500
text/plain (156 lines)
The Photography Area of the Midwest Popular Culture Association/
American Culture Association deadline has been extended to APRIL 30,
2007.  Below is the original call.



The Photography Area of the Midwest Popular Culture Association is now
accepting individual performances/papers and panel proposals for this
year's conference.  Topics are open, but may include the following

*	Notions of photographic truth in the digital age 
*	Political economy issues concerning the digital image vs.
traditional image 
*	Performances using photography as method and/practice 
*	Ethical issues relating to reproduction 
*	The influence and legacy of Susan Sontag 


*	Send paper, abstract, or proposal to Amy Darnell, Department of
Humanities, Columbia College, Columbia, MO  65216.  [log in to unmask]
Electronic submissions are preferred. 
*	Deadline for receipt is April 16, 2007.  [[Now April 30, 2007]]
*	Please include name, affiliation, postal address, and e-mail
address of each author/participant.  Indicate any information that you
do not want published in the program schedule (a preliminary version of
the schedule will be posted on our website; the final version will be
distributed in hard copy at the conference).  
*	Note the complete call for the conference below.  Submitting for
the conference assumes an understanding and agreement to meet the
MWPCA/ACA conference guidelines. 
*	The only audio-visual equipment available from the Association
will be a DVD player and monitor, and you must ask for it at the time
you submit your proposal.  With appropriate preparation, a DVD player
can play audio, video, and still images. 
*	If you wish your presentation to be listed as Midwest American
Culture Association (rather than Midwest Popular Culture Association),
please include this request with your proposal. 






Call for Papers, Abstracts, and Panel Proposals


Midwest Popular Culture Association/ Midwest American Culture
Association annual conference


Friday-Sunday, October 12-14, 2007

Radisson Hotel & Suites Kansas City-City Center, 1301 Wyandotte Ave.,
Kansas City MO 64105

Reservations: 816-474-6664 (mention Midwest Popular Culture Association)

Telephone: 816-474-6664; Fax: 816-474-0424;


Please plan to attend the entire conference.  If you absolutely,
positively cannot attend the entire conference and need your
presentation scheduled on a specific day, you must let us know when you
submit your proposal.  Panels will run at the following approximate
times: 2:30-7:30 Friday, 8:30-6:15 Saturday, and 8:00-1:00 Sunday.
Special events will include a reception on Friday evening and a luncheon
and speaker on Saturday.  These events, plus continental breakfast on
Saturday and Sunday, will be free for conference registrants.

All participants must be members of the Midwest Popular Culture
Association/ Midwest American Culture Association.  Membership is $40
for students with ID, retirees, and unemployed, and $60 for all others.
Membership is for the calendar year through December 2007.  To join the
MPCA/MACA, you may pay with your conference registration fee, or you may
send a separate check at any time to Gary Burns, Communication, Northern
Illinois University, DeKalb IL 60115.  Make check payable to Midwest
Popular Culture Association.  A membership form may be printed from our
website at <>.  If we do not receive your
membership fee postmarked by September 15, 2007, you will be subject to
a $15 late fee if you attend the conference.  The Midwest PCA/ACA is a
separate organization (with separate fees) from the national PCA/ACA and
from other regional PCA/ACA organizations.

All participants must register for the conference.  Registration is $70
for students with ID, retirees, and unemployed, and $90 for all others.
There will be a $15 late fee for registration on-site or postmarked
after September 15, 2007.  (This fee is waived for residents of
countries other than the USA or Canada.)  Payment on-site will be by
cash or check only (no credit cards).  To preregister, send a check any
time to Gary Burns, Communication, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
IL 60115.  Make check payable to Midwest Popular Culture Association.  A
registration-membership form may be printed from our website at

We have a special group rate at the Radisson of $99/night.  To qualify
for the special rate, you must make your reservation by Friday,
September 21, 2007, 12:00 noon Kansas City time.  Call the Radisson at
816-474-6664 and mention MPCA.  We have a block of rooms reserved on a
first-come, first-served basis.

Unfortunately, MPCA/MACA is not able to provide financial assistance to
participants to defray costs of transportation, lodging, meals,
registration, or any other expense.

The conference program will be posted on our website
<> as soon as it is finished (probably sometime in
July 2007).

Cancellation policy: If you submit a proposal (or if you accept an
invitation to appear on a panel), you are promising to attend the
conference if your proposal is accepted and you are promising to pay the
conference registration fee, the Association membership fee, and a late
fee of $15 if applicable.  If your proposal is accepted and you do not
attend the conference, it is expected that you will (1) notify all
members of your panel, your area chair, and the MPCA/MACA Executive
Secretary (Gary Burns) of your cancellation; (2) provide such
notification as early as possible; (3) arrange to have your paper
distributed at the panel; (4) arrange for somebody else to carry out any
other duties you may have; and (5) pay your membership and registration
fees (plus late fee if applicable).  If conditions 1-5 are met, you may
file a written request, after the conference, for a refund of half your
registration fee.  For coauthored papers, all authors are welcome and
encouraged to attend, but only one author is required to attend.


Amy Darnell

Department of Humanities

Columbia College

Columbia, MO  65216

(573)  875-7593


Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite