CFP (article): Music and Fandom, Journal of Fandom Studies
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:31:02 -0500
Music operates simultaneously as an object of, an accessory to, and a
production of fandom. Though this phenomenon has been addressed by
scholars such as Henry Jenkins, Solomon Davidoff, and Mark Duffett, the use
and production of music remains a relatively ignored area of research
within the field of fan studies. This leaves a wide variety of important
fan practices unexplored, including music-making (filk, geek rock, wizard
rock, fanvids, and cover bands), the hybridization of media in fan
creations (i.e., music in fan fiction, music in fanvids, and music in
LARPing and Cosplay), fan performance and recording practices, and
music-making as a community-building exercise within fandom, to name a few.
The editors invite article proposals for a special issue of *The Journal of
Fandom Studies* that critically investigate the intersections between music
and fandom. As fan studies is an inherently interdisciplinary field, we
welcome scholars from a variety of disciplines (musicology,
ethnomusicology, media and communication studies, ethnography,
social/subcultural theory, philosophy, etc.) to contribute. Possible
topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Adaptation and Labor
- Amateur music-making and musical training within fandom
- Fans as musical producers/fan-musicians
- Music and anti-fandom
- Music and convention culture
- Music and cult media fandom (movies, television shows, web serials,
video games, comics, novels, etc.)
- Nonwestern, global, and transnational music fandoms
- Popular music fandom
- Music and sports fandom
- Music and DIY Culture
- Musical fan communities
- Music as fan ritual
- Music’s relationship to other fan-created media (fan fiction, fanvids,
podcasts, etc.)
- Music and historical (re)enactment
- Music as a site for national, communal, and personal identity
- Music tourism
- Present and past music fandoms
To submit, please send proposals of no more than 500 words in PDF
format to *[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>* by *February 1, 2015*. Up to two additional
pages of musical examples and/or references may also be included, though
this is not required. The proposal should include name of the author,
institutional affiliation, and the title of the proposal. Accepted
proposals will be notified by March 1, 2015, and completed articles will be
expected by September 1, 2015, for publication in October 2016.
Jessica L. Getman
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University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Aya Esther Hayashi
[log in to unmask]
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
The Journal of Fandom Studies
<,id=213/view,page=0/> is
an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published by Intellect. The
multi-disciplinary nature of fan studies makes the development of a
community of scholars sometimes difficult to achieve. The Journal of Fandom
Studies offers scholars a dedicated publication that promotes current
scholarship in the fields of fan and audience studies across a variety of
media. We focus on the critical exploration, within a wide range of
disciplines and fan cultures, of issues surrounding production and
consumption of popular media (including film, music, television, sports and
gaming). The Journal of Fandom Studies aims to address key issues, while
also fostering new areas of enquiry that take us beyond the bounds of
current scholarship.
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