Re: The FSU Film School
Thu, 1 Dec 1994 13:54:42 -0700
You know, it's interesting to hear about the FSU Film school. I'm at the
other end of the country in Washington [ST], and when I wanted to go to film
school, found nothing existed in my entire state.[Some trend setting
state, right ?] I was constantly referred to the standard UCLA, USC, NYU,
list of schools and then seemingly as afterthoughts SanFrancisco, and
Vancouver, British Columbia. Perhaps this does not bode well for FSU and
it's percieved reputation. Perhaps it's ir-relevant. Astonishingly, all
I've ever heard about the value of film school from current working film
directors are the contacts and placements it yeilds. [of course these
directors didn't graduate from a film school. Most directors working prior
to 1980 did not]. I don't see how a film school worthy of the name could
NOT add to your working knowledge and tools. I would like to see the LA
stranglehold on film education be broken, somehow [with all due respect
to UCLA et all]. I think the Northwest US deserves ONE film school, and
I'd be happy to hear about FSU. Good Luck. Patrick Butler
On Thu, 1 Dec 1994, Christopher Blanchard wrote:
> I am currently attending the Florida State University Film School. I am
> interested in seeing what the reputation and perception of this film school
> is within the filmmaking community. If you have any questions about this film
> school, e-mail me and I'll be happy to answer them.
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