Master of Arts in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 14:24:16 -0500
New York University and George Eastman House announce their plan for
a “Master of Arts in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation,” for fall
of 2002 start-up.
This two-year course of study will provide prospective moving image
archivists with an international, comprehensive education in the
theories, methods, and practices of moving image archiving and
preservation. The curriculum will cover all aspects of moving image
archiving, including: Film History/Historiography and Film Style;
Conservation, Preservation and Storage; Legal Issues and Copyright;
Laboratory Techniques; Moving Image Cataloging; Curatorial Work and
Museum Studies; Programming; Use of New Digital Technologies; and
Access to Archival Holdings.
The first year will be based in the Department of Cinema Studies at New
York University in New York City. Along with course work, this year of
the program will entail visits to, and collaboration with archives,
museums, and laboratories in the New York City area. The first year
will be followed by a 6-8 week student summer internship placement.
The second year will be based at the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film
Preservation at George Eastman House in Rochester, New York.
Students must complete 48 points of coursework over the two years.
Students complete and defend a final thesis project in the second year
while at George Eastman House.
The degree is awarded by New York University in collaboration with the
L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation at George Eastman House.
For applications and information, please contact:
The Office of Graduate Admissions
Tisch School of the Arts
New York University
721 Broadway, room 801
New York, New York 10003-6807
Ann Harris
NYU-Cinema Studies Department
Film Study Center and Archive
721 Broadway, room 606
New York, New York 10003
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phone: 212-998-1606
fax: 212-995-4061
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