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September 2000, Week 4


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Daniel I Humphrey <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Sep 2000 13:59:01 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (24 lines)
A friend of mine, who is working on an article about Albany, NY for a
magazine on urban planning asks this question:

"After watching "Lolita" I became convinced that the stock footage that
Kubrick uses to portray the slum that Lolita ends up in, is no less than
the slums that existed on the site of the Empire State Plaza [in Albany
NY]. I know Lolita was filmed in England, but the slum footage is
undoubtedly American.  Is there anyway to find out if this is the case?"

I looked in a couple of books I have on Kubrick but came up with nothing.
It would help him out if he could have that confirmed.  Thanks.

        Daniel Isaac Humphrey
        Department of Art & Art History
        University of Rochester
        424 Morey Hall
        Rochester NY 14627-0456

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