Tue, 6 Dec 1994 21:28:50 -0500
Anyone who has any info, I urge you to help. The Wilton Town Hall
Theater and Screening Room is one of the few (if not only)
independent enterprises in New Hampshire that has any inclination to
screen any films that fall outside the Hollywood realm (Dartmouth also
has a good program, but is supported by a large endowment). Wilton is a
great example of a grassroots effort to get a film community started in a
land of multi-plexes. Plus, if you get the trivia question right at Wilton,
you get a free pass for a weekday showing of a film.
On Tue, 6 Dec 1994, jean wrote:
> I've a friend that is involved in the Wilton Theatre Film Festival, in
> Amherst NH. Barbara has requested that I post an annoucemnet that
> they are seeking films from independent film makers to be shown at
> the festival.
> Any one with a film or knowledge of a source of such films please
> forward information to myself or Barbara Sansing - email
> alias [log in to unmask]
> Thank you, and please feel free to distribute the request amongst peers.
> The audiance is a very, well, typically ... can be a little snooty?
> Hi-brow should I say, and is very into creative counter culters,
> self help groups and exploring new forms.
> I say this because NH has a tendency to be thought of as Bumkin territory.
> jj