Screen-L / POISON WOMAN: Figuring Female Transgression in Modern Japanese Culture
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 11:25:47 -0500
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Stacy Lienemann
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University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290
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Who is the ³poison woman²?
POISON WOMAN: Figuring Female Transgression in Modern Japanese Culture
Christine L. Marran
University of Minnesota Press | 264 pages | 2007
ISBN 978-0-8166-4726-2 | hardcover | $67.50
ISBN 978-0-8166-4727-9 | paperback | $22.50
Based on the lives and crimes of no less than twenty real women, dokufu
(poison women) narratives emerged as a powerful presence in Japan during the
1870s. In Poison Woman, Christine L. Marran investigates this powerful icon,
its shifting meanings, and its influence on defining women's sexuality and
place in Japan.
³Poison Woman is a remarkable project, original and important. Marran's work
makes essential reading for anyone interested in the transformations of
sexuality, gender, and literature in modern Japan.² ‹Michael K. Bourdaghs
³Poison Woman marks a new and exciting kind of scholarship in Japanese
literary and feminist studies. There is simply nothing like it.² ‹Jan
For more information, including the table of contents, visit the book¹s
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