Re: reality TV
Thu, 21 Mar 1996 13:35:34 -0500
>Does anyone know other books or articles on the subject of reality TV (and
>'emotion TV'), or know of people in the academic field of film and
>television studies who are also working on the subject? There must be
I know of three additional scholarly publications about reality based TV:
Two by my friend and colleague Mary Beth Oliver: "Portrayals of crime,
race, and aggression in 'reality-based' police shows: A content analysis,"
in _Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media_, _38_, 179-192; and Mary
Beth Oliver and G. B. Armstrong, "Predictors of Viewing and Enjoyment of
Reality-Based and Fictional Crime Shows," _Journalism Quarterly_, _72_,
And Robin Andersen, _Consumer Culture & TV Programming_, Boulder, CO:
Westview, 1995 (see Chapter7, "_Cops_ on the _Night Beat_.")
Hope these help!
Matt McAllister
Department of Communication Studies, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0311 ph: 540-231-9830 fax: 540-231-9817
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