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May 1993


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Stephen Hart <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 May 1993 08:08:00 EST
text/plain (68 lines)
                      E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     24-May-1993 08:01am EDT
                                        From:     Stephen Hart
                                        Level:    Post-secondary/University
                                        Tel No:   904-644-4839
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm )
Subject: star trek parodies
The following is from my co-worker, who thought that you all may be
interested in the topic.  You may want to send responses to the Star Trek
list as well (the address is STREK-L@PCCVM).
For those not familiar with Star Trek anacronyms, TOS in the following
stands for "The original series".
Stephen Hart
                      E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     24-May-1993 07:57am EDT
                                        From:     Randye L. Jones
                                        Level:    Post-Secondary/University
                                        Tel No:   904/644-4839
TO:  Stephen Hart                         ( HARTS2 )
Subject: star trek on the air
                      E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     23-May-1993 11:53pm EDT
                                        From:     Star Trek Fan Club list
                                                  [log in to unmask]
                                        Tel No:
TO:  Multiple recipients of list STREK-L  ( [log in to unmask]
Subject: st parodies on the air
this evening i was looking at a re-run of the tv series, _head of the
class_.  one of the characters, arvid, had a dream sequence based on tos.
there have been a lot parodies of st on the air, either tv, movies or
radio.  the most infamous might be william shatner's appearance on
_saturday night live_.  but try as i might, no others are coming to mind.
can any one out there name some more?
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