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November 2010, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 21 Nov 2010 21:02:13 +0000
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1. Women's Filmmaking in France 2000-2010

2. Cinématismes - La littérature au prisme du cinéma

3. PhD studentship, Newcastle University


1. Women's Filmmaking in France 2000-2010 Conference, Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, 2-4 December 2010. The deadline for registrations for this conference is 19 November: As part of the opening events of this conference, a new publication, Studies in French Cinema: UK Perspectives 1985-2010 (eds W. Higbee and S. Leahy) is to be launched at the French Institute on 2 December. This event is sponsored by the Association of Modern and Contemporary France.

Organisers:                         Dr Kate Ince (University of Birmingham)
                                            Prof. Carrie Tarr (Kingston University)

Keynote Speakers:              Prof. Martine Beugnet (University of Edinburgh)
                                            Prof. Ginette Vincendeau (King’s College London)
                                     Prof. Emma Wilson (University of Cambridge)

2 December            At the French Institute, 17 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2DT
18h ‘Studies in French Cinema:  Women’s filmmaking in France in the 2000s’  A Table Ronde, sponsored by the Association for the Study of Modern & Contemporary France, with Isabelle Czajka, Julia Dobson, Kate Ince and Carrie Tarr. Followed by the launch of Studies in French Cinema: UK Perspectives 1985-2010 (Intellect, 2010), with editors Will Higbee and Sarah Leahy.
19h30  Cocktail in the Bistrot
20h30  Film D’amour et d’eau fraîche (2010) + Q & A with director Isabelle Czajka  (£7)

3 and 4 December            At the IGRS, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
For details of the programme and how to register, see


2. Cinématismes - La littérature au prisme du cinéma

Le colloque international Cinématismes - La littérature au prisme du cinéma, organisé par Jacqueline Nacache (Paris-Diderot/Paris 7) et Jean-Loup Bourget (Ecole Normale Supérieure), est consacré aux lectures ou relectures de textes littéraires irriguées par le cinéma, et par les catégories techniques, esthétiques et conceptuelles qu’il a fait naître. Il se tiendra du 2 au 4 décembre à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (salle Dussane, jeudi  2 et samedi 4 décembre) et à l'INHA (auditorium Colbert, vendredi 3 décembre). Programme détaillé sur :


3. A full PhD studentship is available in the School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University, to be taken up in September 2011. The award includes a UK fee waiver and a stipend of £13,000 per year for three years. Research proposals are welcomed in all areas of expertise in the School of Modern Languages, including French and/or Algerian Cinema. Further details are available on the website:


Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
University of Surrey

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Studies in French Cinema:

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