Sun, 23 Jul 2000 09:03:48 +1200
Well, it's high time someone did another "Charge Of The Light Brigade."
Or maybe the Boxer Rebellion (55 Days At Peking). What about
Saladin or maybe Leonidas the Spartan King who with 300 of his
warriors held back the might of Persia for a brief while at the
pass of Thermopylae sacrificing themselves (much as in the same
way at the Alamo or the Commonwealth pilots during the Battle
of Britain) so the Greek states could organise their armies and
win a decisive battle in the narrow waters of Salamis. These actions
helped bring together the feuding Greek States and form an empire,
a Macedonoian empire. Plenty of stuff there. Where do you start?
The world of man and woman has been one major conflict after
another. Is there any one defining point to your telling a story of those
being caught up in hostility?
paul :-)Nz
> Hello all. I'm a recent AFI graduate who is wriging a war film. I'm
> for great films that cover both different aspects of war as well as
> wars. Also, wondering if anyone knows of any interesting battles or wars
> that havent' been shown or over portrayed too much.
> Any help would be great.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
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