Re: Recommended Texts for Prizewinner, The Hours, Far From Heaven?
Wed, 26 Oct 2005 10:28:41 +1000
Michael K wrote: The really interesting question to me, though, is only
secondarily about the 1950s. How and why has Julianne Moore become central
to these nostalgic reflections on containment and nascent feminism?
That is a great question. It immediately made me think of Cavell's remarks
about the dependence of the comedies of remarriage on the availablilty a
certain generation of actresses with Katharine Hepburn as the key figure.
My first, embarrassingly fangirlish suggestion would be that Moore is full
of grace and intelligence, and extremely beautiful, and maternal, in a way
that is conspicuously unlike the surgically enhanced model of cyborg
femininity epitomised by somebody like Meg Ryan.
Would love to know what other people think....
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