Interracial romance
Wed, 31 May 1995 01:54:59 -0600
There are, of course, the tragic mulattas--Pinky (jeanne Crain) and Peola
played by white actresses but living out the "tragedy" of race
mixture--sterile by choice since they couldn't be sure if black skin would
come out in a child.
South Pacific: the young guy runs off (tragically of course) with the
polynesian woman, and the nurse is very perturbed by the fact that Emil has
mixed race children by his dead asian lover.
soaps are great on many things but annoying on this. Simone(black) and
Tom(white) Hardy married on GenHospital; they have a child, but now they
are on the brink of divorce. Simone's new lover, Justus Ward's father (a
ML:King figure who is long dead) had a white lover who miscarried his
child. (so no on-sccreen relationship) Carla Grey (Ellen Holly) on One
Life to Live "passed" in the early 1970s and fell in love with a white
doctor--the truth came out and she had to go back to black love. Currently,
Nora (white) is living with her past with several Black men--one of whom is
the father to her daughter Rachel--who struggles with choosing black and
white lovers. All My Children (always up on social issues) has had lots of
combos of ethic young love; has Tom and Livia Cudahy married. (although
they were going to match VERY popular characters Cliff and Angie in 1989
and backed off--actor peter bergman left for Y&R where he, as Jack Abbott,
is married to a Vietnamese woman (with whom he has a child) and his father
(patriarch John Abbott) was having a little thang with Mamie, the Black
Lots of chickening out to be had. plus the general case i s non-white
woman with white man (even tho, that is not reality)
On prime time, check out Sheriff Gillespie and Harriet DeLong on In the
Heat of the Night. Jonathan and Zoe on LA Law (and his one brief moment
with Abby).
kal alston
ed pol studies/ women's studies
380 education
champaign, il 61820
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