Thu, 9 May 91 23:46:21 CDT
New Jewish Agenda, a progressive organization with 50
chapters nationwide, is currently planning a conference on
racism and anti-Semitism for November 1991. We are
targeting college campuses as a hot spot for work to occur.
If you have ideas about how to make this conference
meaningful to college students, please email your suggestion
to me no later than 12 May 1991. Proposed topics include
the debate over multiculturalism, affirmative action in
universities, JAP (Jewish-American-Princess)-baiting on
campus, etc. We would really appreciate your input.
Steve Carr
Western Region Representative
New Jewish Agenda
About New Jewish Agenda: We are Jews from a variety of
backgrounds and affiliations committed to progressive human
values and the building of a shared vision of Jewish life.
New Jewish Agenda works for peace and social justice at home
and abroad, drawing inspiration from the Talmudic teaching
of _tikkun olam_, or the just reordering of society. We
apply Jewish religious and secular history and values to
local grass roots organizing on issues of current concern.
New Jewish Agenda upholds progressive Jewish values and
affirms that the goals of peace and justice are attainable.