New Book: Industrial Approaches to Media: A Methodological Gateway to Industry Studies
Mon, 31 Oct 2016 10:25:03 +0000
Colleagues may be interested in the publication of the following new book:
*Industrial Approaches to Media:A Methodological Gateway to Industry
*By Matthew Freeman*
*Featuring Alisa Perren, Paul Kerr, Elizabeth Evans, Paul McDonald, Michele
Hilmes, Petros Iosifidis, Sarah Ralph, Dave Harte, Emily Caston and Henry
This guidebook, aimed at those interested in studying media industries,
provides direction in ways best suited to collaborative dialogue between
media scholars and media professionals.
While the study of media industries is a focal point at many universities
around the world – promising, as it might, rich dialogues between academia
and industry – understandings of the actual methodologies for researching
the media industries remain vague. What are the best methods for analysing
the workings of media industries – and how does one navigate those methods
in light of complex deterrents like copyright and policy, not to mention
the difficulty of gaining access to the media industries?
Responding to these questions, *Industrial Approaches to Media* offers
practical, theoretical and ethical principles for the field of media
industry studies, providing its first full methodological exploration. It
features case studies from key scholars such as Paul McDonald, Henry
Jenkins, Michele Hilmes and Alisa Perren. It also benefits from interviews
with Amanda Lotz, Derek Johnson, Daniel Ashton, John Mateer, Jon Hickman
and Hanne Bruun, amongst others.
*Dr Matthew Freeman* is Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication at Bath
Spa University, and Director of its Media Convergence Research Centre. The
author of *Historicising Transmedia Storytelling* (2016) and the co-author
of *Transmedia Archaeology* (2014), his research explores production
cultures across media and history, publishing on transmedia storytelling,
media branding and convergence cultures.
*Table of Contents:*
Foreword: Media Industry Studies in Practice – *Alisa Perren*
1. Introduction: Media Industry Studies: What and Why?
*PART I: The Ideologies & Ethics of Media Industry Studies*
2. The Professional Ideologies of Academia and Industry
Case Study: The Apprentice’s Sorcerer: Television in/and the Academy – *Paul
3. The Politics and Ethics of Media Industry Studies
Case Study: On, With or For: Perspectives on Academic-Industry
Collaborations – *Elizabeth Evans and Paul McDonald*
*PART II: The Theory & Practice of Media Industry Studies*
4. Socialised Authorship: Conceptualising Media Industry Studies
Case Study: Industry as Author: Deconstructing Creativity – *Michele Hilmes*
5. Media Industries as Structure: Objectivism and the Societal Context
Case Study: The Political Economy of Television Sports Rights – *Petros
6. Media Industries as Interaction: Constructivism and the Corporate Context
Case Study: Getting More Creative with Interviews – *Sarah Ralph*
7. Media Industries as Modality: Culturalism and the Discursive Context
Case Study: Researching Journalism through Social Media – *Dave Harte*
*PART III: The Reciprocity & Publishing of Media Industry Studies*
8. Approaching Knowledge Exchange
Case Study: The Need for Multiperspectival Work – *Henry Jenkins*
9. Publishing Media Industry Research
Case Study: Intellectual Collaboration and the Music Industry – *Emily
10. Conclusions: Media Industry Studies: How and What Now?
*Published by Palgrave Macmillan and available to order at:*
*Dr Matthew Freeman, FHEA*
*Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication*
*Director, Media Convergence Research Centre*
*The Digital Academy*
*Bath Spa University*
T: +44 (0)1225 876708
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