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April 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Abe Mark Nornes <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Feb 1904 10:59:28 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
>>I'm curious:  what film/tv programs out there are integrating multimedia
>>and internet in their curriculum?  The University of Southern California
>>has a class bringing close textual analysis and multimedia together.  Any
Bert Deivert writes:
>Here in Sweden there is a move to write multimedia papers using Macintoshes
>and QuickTime technology as well as implementing laserdiscs for film
>studies programs. ....I am
>planning on using Macs, laserdiscs, QuickTime, possibly Digital Film,
>HyperCard, and some other tool, possibly Authorware.... don't know yet.
At the University of Southern California, we used beta versions of a
software being developed at the school.  It is called "Multimedia Scholar".
 It's hypercard based, and supports links to figures, photographs,
quicktime, and laser disks (only CAV).  The programmers have taken any
control over the _look_ and _format_ of the final product, but it is simple
enough to use that first timers can create their own multimedia projects.
We used it for close-textual analyses of films on laser disk.
>As far as Internet is concerned, I hope to get my students online by the
>Fall ....I think it would be exciting for the students to have a forum
>where they could exchange ideas and experiences with students from other
>countries. Maybe it would be possible to set up communication between two
>basic film courses in different countries and have a BBS on one of the
>computers for communication and discussion as pat of the required
a great idea....
--- Markus