Re: Moderating SCREEN-L
Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:37:02 EST
Hi Guys, Gals, free flowing electromagnetic mimpulses....
I have been quite on the moderation subject, but what is currently
going on with:
[log in to unmask]
is a fine example of the stuff you want to avoid. I don't know
the answer but the flame fest is sooo out of control. People
writing people off line, threats, sexual harrassment, sys ops being called,
jobs being threatend....
ugly bunch of weenies.
Even the point that they wont label thir pornographic writing because its
to restrictive. Pop up your morning mail with th e boss over your shoulder and
see his reaction to 'womb manipulation' splattered on your screen...
People get fired over this shit, its ugly.
One man has accesed MANY different internet servers to chase down
one woman - ugly...
Check the list out, see for yourself, mention MJ & Jay and see what pops up.
alias [log in to unmask]