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October 2011, Week 1


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Gina Marchetti <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Oct 2011 13:34:04 +0800
text/plain (150 lines)
 SUBJECT:  Studentships in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies

The Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong
offers studentships in conjunction with its Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes.  We are looking for exceptional
candidates with a strong research plan in any of the following areas:

   - Visual Cultures and Film Studies
   - Feminism and Gender Studies
   - Postcolonial, Urban and Global Studies
   - Literature and Cultural Theory
   - Hong Kong and China Studies

Our colleagues have published in the areas of contemporary Chinese culture
(cinema, literature and critical discourse), Hong Kong literature and film,
critical theory in an Asian context, film and literature in the Asian
diaspora, globalization, postcolonialism, orientalism, ethics in literature,
urban modernity, cultural identity (including ethnicity, race, gender, and
sexual orientation) as well as cultural policy and community activism. We
analyze literature and film as well as other cultural texts and discourses
by employing critical theory with an eye to the local/global configurations
that shape their form. By situating literary and cultural texts within an
historical framework, we try to dialogue with Western theory in a specific
Asian context. Our postgraduates regularly participate in international
conferences, publish essays, win scholarships, and have found teaching and
research positions at major universities in Asia and elsewhere.

The current faculty includes:  Esther Cheung, Esther Yau, Daniel Vukovich,
Mirana May Szeto, Ang Sze-wei and Gina Marchetti.


An MPhil/PhD Information Day will be held on November 2, 2011

(Wednesday) from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Rayson Huang Theatre,

at which the Associate Deans of the Graduate School will introduce

our MPhil and PhD programmes.  All students within and outside HKU

are welcome (registration not required).


To encourage students with outstanding academic performance to

join our programmes, fellowships/ studentships are offered as follows:

Hong Kong PhD Fellowships (HKPF) Scheme#

HK$240,000 per year

(For details, please visit:

University Postgraduate Fellowships (UPF)

At least HK$180,700 per year*

Postgraduate Studentships (PGS)

At least HK$163,200 per year

#HKPF awardees will not be concurrently awarded UPF and PGS

*Combined value of UPF and PGS

Hong Kong PhD Fellowships (HKPF)

Initial application to the Research Grants Council: Early September-

December 1, 2011 noon

Full application to HKU: September 1-December 1, 2011


September 1, 2011 -December 1, 2011

Please note that MPhil students should enrol on either September 1,

2012 or January 1, 2013, and PhD students can enrol on the first day

of any calendar month.  As for the awardees of Hong Kong PhD

Fellowships, students are expected to start their studies on

September 1, 2012.

For further details, please refer to the Graduate School website

( or contact the Graduate School.

Graduate School

P403, Graduate House

The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Tel : (852) 2857-3470, Fax : (852) 2857-3543

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

For more information on specific requirements for the Department of
Comparative literature, visit

For more information on graduate studies in the Department of Comparative
Literature, contact: Gina Marchetti at [log in to unmask]

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite